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Small Food Business Ideas with Low Investment - Brandloom

Small Food Business Ideas with Low Investment - Brandloom

Daphne Subar

Restaurants for Sports Enthusiasts – Profitable Food Business Ideas

Brian Robben on Fast food business Ideas
Brian Robben

Experiential and sit-down food locations are doing extremely well in today’s culture. In the US, restaurants with mini-golf, bowling, or ax throwing are gaining traction and raking in profit.

Because everyone loves food and a good time, I’m convinced a food business in India that can combine delicious dishes with a fun activity for its guests will be a huge hit.

This activity may be one of India’s favorite pastimes like cricket, badminton, soccer, table tennis, or even chess, to keep people entertained while they’re waiting for their food.

Even if they don’t play, there’s some fun in watching others like you would at a sports game. I recommend making the experiential aspect a compliment to the food and not the main attraction,” says Brian Robben, CEO & Founder Robben Media.

Grow organic vegetables for health-conscious foodies – Food Manufacturing Business Ideas

Simon Hansen on homemade food business name ideas
Simon Hansen

The continued awareness of sustainability has affected how businesses manufacture products and treat their workforce.

What a lot don’t realize is that this sustainability trend doesn’t only affect operations, it can also pave new markets and innovative ideas for existing markets such as food businesses.

Changing recipes by opting for organic food options or investing in organic and socially responsible farming will be a game-changer in the years to come since doing so will not only cater to the rising trend but will also be a long-term solution to the social and economic problems faced today.

Through organic and sustainability, businesses can both earn and operate ethically,” says Simon Hansen, Founder Home Brew Advice.

Organic Farming In Rural Areas – Best Food Business Ideas in India

William Taylor on food Business ideas in Kolkata
William Taylor

“An excellent food-related business could be organic farming. People these days are crazy about organic food as these foods are free from pesticides, insecticides, and any form of harmful chemicals.

Fruits and vegetables are grown in the natural process and are free of chemical toxins. Therefore, organic farming in rural areas is a good business idea.

The major investments include the purchase of land, agricultural tools, and equipment along with good seeds for a healthy yield. Initially, the returns will not be very high, however as time passes you will earn a healthy income by selling the agricultural products.

Organic farming is a long-run business and these days banks are ready to provide loans for such a business idea,” says William Taylor, Career Development Manager Velvet Jobs.

Click here for more Small Business Ideas for Rural areas in India

Healthy Meals for Working People- Food business ideas with small capital

Luka Arezina on Food Business Ideas in Malaysia
Luka Arezina

“I think the most profitable food business idea nowadays is offering a prepared meal plan which will allow working individuals to eat healthily during the workweek.

We’re living in a fast-paced world, and meal preparation is a struggle for many.

Simultaneously, our daily physical activity is decreasing, and we’re more and more opting to eat fast food, resulting in weight gain.

That’s why anybody willing to offer affordable and healthy meal plans can hope for a future profit,” says Luka Arezina,


Kiosks and Trucks- Food Business Ideas with low Investment

Jeremy Harrison on food business ideas in tamilnadu
Jeremy Harrison

“The first thing that I recommend is the food Kiosk. It is very versatile, and you can sell all kinds of food like hotdogs, fries, or sandwiches. Aside from the low overhead cost, Kiosks are easy to maintain and operate.

All you need are a small fridge, some cooking equipment, a little bit of storage and you’re good to go. The trick here is to offer something unique and different from what’s currently out there. And depending on the food you’ll offer, the investment cost would be around $5,000 to $10,000

Another idea I thought about is a Food Truck. This is probably the closest to a restaurant but doesn’t cost as much. You can customize your trucks so that you can put a small kitchen, fryers, grills, sink, and a fridge precisely like a small restaurant.

You can even rent a food truck nowadays to lower your initial investment even more. The problem is that it’ll cost you more in the long run. The great thing about this is you are mobile and can offer your product anywhere. The investment would range from $35,000 (if you rent the truck) all the way up to $120,000 (if you buy the truck).

Whether it be a Kiosk or a Food Truck, always remember to plan out your idea before you start them. With the proper strategy and a little perseverance, I’m confident you’ll go a long way,” says Jeremy Harrison, Founder Hustle Life.

Look here for Small Business Ideas For Women in India

Delivery-only Eateries – Food Business Ideas in India

Food businesses have come a long way in the past few years. With the recent popularity of delivery services such as Uber Eats, DoorDash, and Postmates, more and more consumers are opting to have their food delivered to them.

Although this can hurt some restaurants, especially when taking the fees into consideration, it does present a unique opportunity for other entrepreneurs.   Rather than building out an entire restaurant, dedicated to dine-in restaurants, it is possible to build a delivery only one.

These restaurants require much less overhead and can utilize a commissary or commercial kitchen for preparing the food. As there is no need for menus, furniture, or decorations, a delivery-only restaurant can be started with an investment of less than $5,000.

What also makes delivery-only restaurants attractive is their nimbleness. If an idea is not working or not popular in a certain area, it can be nixed nearly immediately and reopened within a week as a new offering,” says Robert Moses, Chief Editor The Corporate Con.  

Homemade Catering Business- Small Food Business Ideas

Brian Robben on food business ideas uk
Brian Robben

“Two food businesses I’ve seen start with extremely small investments and then scale into a restaurant or eCommerce play are food trucks and homemade catering businesses.

These often involve 1-3 main entrees, minimal unique ingredients, and a target market of office workers or college students.

By having a niche menu, audience, and location, you can build up fans, cash reserves, and enough momentum to open your own restaurant or eCommerce business if you so choose.

You may love your remote business so much that you decide to never change it.

Where these businesses can struggle is when they spread themselves out too thin with an expansive menu or fall into the category of having no special food that customers recognize them by.

The riches are in the niches,” says Brian Robben, CEO & Founder Robben Media.

Cookies and Small Bites – Food Business Ideas

Chad Hill on food products business ideas in india
Chad Hill

Any business you can start from your home is always a time saver.

You don’t need a physical store to produce your product, though that also means that you don’t have a physical store to sell from.

If that’s the case, selling online is always an alternative until you have enough funds to open a store.

Back to the point- if you use only minimal kitchen appliances to produce your product; it is also a benefit.

You won’t need to worry about not having enough ovens or stoves. If you do have more than enough, then you can increase your product output more.

Having a product with minimal ingredients is also a factor. A cookie selling business is more affordable than one selling lunch,” says Chad Hill, CMO Hill & Ponton.

Jams, Jellies and Biscuits – Small Scale Food Business Ideas 

Ollie Smith on fast food business name ideas
Ollie Smith

“A Jam & Jelly making business which can be started from the comfort of your own home with minimum investment could be just the ticket.

From as little as £500, you could easily start a business that has become increasingly profitable in the last number of years.

All you need are the raw ingredients and a jam & jelly maker. Another great idea is Biscuit making.

Once again this very profitable business can be started from your own home and if you’re economical with your raw material – you can get it going for as little as £300.

So the only question is – what are you waiting for?”, says Ollie Smith, CEO Card Accounts.

Sauces, Ice Cream and Chocolates – Homemade Food Business Ideas 

The Gindos couple on food business ideas in gujarat
The Gindos Couple

Some of the best food businesses can start right from home.

In fact, our own businesses started in our kitchen when we decided to start experimenting with different hot sauce flavours and spices.

After sharing our concoctions with a couple of friends and seeing that there was real potential in the spice market for our hot sauces, we started selling them individually at our local farmers’ market.

There are hot sauces became a hit, and we started selling them in packs.

Now we still continue to have a presence at farmers’ markets but have expanded into the world of e-commerce where we are now also able to offer a hot sauce of the month subscription service for all those hot sauce connoisseurs out there who want to add a little spice into their lives.

With that being said some food-related businesses you can start with very minimal investments could include:

  • Condiments/ Sauces/ Seasonings
  • Baked Goods (cookies, cakes, bread, pies)
  • Ice Cream / Yogurt
  • Chocolate/ Candy

For all of these items, the biggest investment to make would be in buying ingredients and promoting the business online and in-person via signage or online ads. Possibly also on website design if you need extra help on the online side of things,” says Mary and Chris Ginder Gindo’s Spice of Life.

Along with your home-based food business ideas, you can become a food blogger as well.

Bake and Sell Cakes Online – Food based Business Ideas

“Starting an online food business that sells specific items direct to the consumer does not require a substantial investment. I started an online bakery that specialized in a unique baked good and the initial investments were minimal: a website, insurance, baking supplies, packaging, and shipping. In the beginning, I started small, with one package size and one flavour and since bake to order, there is no need to have a large inventory on hand. If you need more supplies due to increased orders, you can replenish them quickly,” says Daphne, Founder Subarz.


So, if you want to become a participant in the booming F&B sector, here are some best food business ideas in India. Remember, you can start small and find local demand niches. If you love food, you can always find a way to turn your passion into your business. And it is not just for the city-dwellers, you can check out our rural business ideas if you want to go beyond food. 

Can you think of other food business ideas for Indian entrepreneurs? Let us know in the comments!